Is Your Exercise Regimen Balanced?

No, I’m not talking about balance in terms of standing on one leg with your eyes closed!

When breaking down a exercise regimen, we will keep it simple and talk about a program that is 4 days per week.

We like to think about working out in terms of movement patterns and less about specific muscle groups to keep workouts simple, but also help encourage a more balanced workout regimen.

Movement patterns/regions to consider when creating an exercise regimen is:

-Upper body push (vertical/horizontal)

-Upper body pull (vertical/horizontal)

-Trunk/Core (can be trained in multiple planes of motion)

-Hinge (Hip dominant)

-Squat (Knee dominant)


Day 1 and 3 might look like:

A1) Upper body horizontal pull exercise

A2) Upper body vertical push exercise

B1) Trunk/Core exercise

B2) Hinge

C1) Cardio piece

Day 2 and 4 might look like:

A1) Upper body vertical pull exercise

A2) Upper body horizontal push exercise

B1) Trunk/Core exercise

B2) Squat

C1) Cardio piece

This is a very simplified version of an exercise regimen, but the key is we are focusing on movement patterns to create balance throughout the musculoskeletal system. Focusing on movement patterns will require multiple muscle groups and joints to work together to create the pattern and overall this can be a healthier way to view movement and exercises. If you have questions, reach out and let’s chat!


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